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Chuck Todd Is Leaving NBC

By John Koblin from NYT Business

Shortly Before Fatal Crash, Jet Pilot Was Asked to Change Runways

By Kate Kelly and Emily Steel from NYT U.S.

Higher-for-Longer Interest Rates Mean More Expensive Federal Debt

By Lydia DePillis from NYT Business

Caroline Kennedy Urges Senators to Reject Her Cousin’s Nomination

By Christina Jewett from NYT Health

Behind the Colombia Blowup: Mapping Trump’s Rapid-Escalation Tactics

By David E. Sanger from NYT U.S.

Who is Arbel Yehud, the Israeli hostage at the center of the dispute?

By Isabel Kershner from NYT World

Lindsey Graham Says Trump Was Wrong to Pardon Violent Jan. 6 Rioters

By Maya C. Miller from NYT U.S.
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